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Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:55PM
MONStar in Stories, email, monica, scam

I haven't heard from her in forever, so I've been emailing her trying to get in touch.  I'll let you know as soon as she replies, if ever ... damn I'm heart broken.




It's been 8 days since I have last heard from you ... and frankly I am a bit concerned.  I'm worried about you as I know there are people out there who are trying to end your life, I'm hoping that nothing bad has happened to you.  Please I am begging you to respond to my email and let me know that everything is alright!?


If you haven't emailed me back because you can't forgive me for what I had done on the phone when I tried to call Mr. Duncan and ended up with talking to a lady instead, then that's alright, I understand, but please at least just respond to me and let me know that you are not hurt and you are keeping safe.


I desperately wait for your reply ... please.

Mr. S

Below is my email to her today ... I hope I'm not getting stalkerish?



Comeon, just email me back and let me know if you're doing alright!??!?!  I'm really worried, and I haven't been eating properly since I'm so worried about you!  Please Monica, email me back just to let me know that you are alright and the thugs didn't get to you.  It's ok if you're mad at me, and don't even want to talk to me again because I had some raunchy affair with that lady on the phone, but please just do me the favor of letting me know how your'e doing.


We've been through so much together Mon Baby!  Please let me know that you still are out there and safe, please let me know that you're missing me and thinking about me.  Here I am typing this email to you as my tears wet the keyboard, with each key I strike, more tears fall.  All these minutes and seconds that run by without hearing your words is causing my heart to shrivel up into a little tiny ball which will fit in the tube of a BIC pen soon ... please don't let that happen and give me a sign.  Any sign my Mon dear. 


Email me back, even just one word, just one single word from those fingertips ... just one.


Mr. S

I guess all I can do is wait ... I'll wait another day for her to respond or not, then I'm going to just let it all out!

+ mon

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