She's Back!
Monday, April 6, 2009 at 8:36PM
MONStar in Stories, email, monica, scam

She finally responded!  Here she is ...

Hello Dear,

Thank's for your response and how are you today? I hope you are allright by the special
grace of God.

It's not tha i don't want to respond to your email,i am not ok, if my inhertance money which my late father keept for me in the bank,my life and my bright future are not secured.

I contacted you in a way after the money has been transfer to your account, i shall come over to your country to be with you,continue my education and have a new life with you as well if you wish to marry me,but you have not even contacted the bank i don't know why you refuse to contact the bank where my late father deposited my inhertance money while i have told the bank mananer about you and he has been waiting to hear from you since.I thought by now i should be in your country with you to continue my education and have a life with you while you go on investinig on my behalf.
I requested your information, your cell phone number for easy communication ,you have not send it to me ,why?

Please all i need you to do is to get this money out from the bank as that is the only way i will be liberated from my situation that i'm facing now.As i am right now i am fiding it very difficult to eat as i spent all the little cash with me and you know that i'm not doing anything neither do i move freely so please help me out and fast.I hope to hear from you soonest.

Thanks and God bless you as you proceed the transfer with the bank.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss.Monica Sankara.

And another response, two in one day!?  Oh joy!

My Dear.

You can contact the bank with this email adress,

This is my response to her ... I hope she doesn't drop me like a ton of bricks!


There you are! I've been looking for you and worrying day and night, my goodness gracious, I have been worried sick and now I can finally breathe - whew!

I don't think you read my email when I did try to contact the bank. I called the number you gave me but unfortunately there was a lady who answered the phone and well if you hadn't read my email I'll put it frankly that we got very intimate on the phone. She had a very sexy voice and a man of my age gets lonely so it's easy for me to fall into things like that - will that be alright with you? To know that I might cheat on you when we are together and married?

I don't have a cell phone, I had to barrow the phone of my nurse here for me to call the bank at the number you gave me.

My dear I don't think you're reading my emails fully. I asked you if the bank manager had an email address that is directly affiliated with the bank? You never responded.

I need to ask you something Monica ... this is a really serious question. Why is it that when I want to talk about LOVE, you just want to talk about MONEY? I'm not sure you understand who I am Monica. The $7.5 million that you have inherited is a small portion of what I have collected here in the United States. If you pick up a newspaper, I am sure you will see my picture there because I do have a lot of money here kept away. But, I do want to help you with your inheritance and invest it properly, do not worry my dear, I know exactly where to put it - have you ever heard of a company called Bunghole? The bunghole is exactly where we will put it, all of it, we will put everything in the Bunghole, how does that sound to you?

Monica, can we trust the bank manager???

Do you love me Monica? I really need to know if you do ... please let me know. Do you have any more pictures of yourself with less clothing? I would absolutely love to see you in some more pictures but with not so much clothing on.

Email me back my dear, and let's talk about love, love, love.
Mr. S.

We'll see if she sends me those pictures and if she's persistant on the cell number, then I'll give her my Skype number so I can record what she says!  I will keep you posted on this love affair!

+ mon

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