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Friday Night Live 

With all the "talents" shows on TV that we watch and even those that we don't watch, it's not often that we're surprised by acts since it's already something we've seen before.  There will be times where we "ooooOoooooO" and even sometimes when we "ahhhhh" but the entertainment factor isn't always there and when it is, it's not as high as you'd like it to be.

Some people prefer live shows to watching things from those pixels on the TV screen and well I do have to say after experiencing some great entertainment on Friday Night Live, I do prefer the live show. I was treated to a multitude of different acts and they were all sectacular, from sports, to a live band.

The evening started out with the Michael "the Gigi" Raymundo in a sparing session with Cindy "the pushup" Malonzo!  We were also treated to their behind the scene training sessions.


As the night continued we were treated to some American Gladiators contestants who had Gladiator names themselves.  First fighting for the red team was Roslyn who combined the names of two of the Gladiators (Tank and Wolf) to come up as Wank.  Fighting for the blue team was Cindy who combined the names of three Gladiators (Lazer, Axle and Thor) to come up Laxathor.  It's time for the joust!


After all of that ended we were treated to the musical styles from a man who is able to hold up a single name just like the world reknowned Prince, Madonna, Diday, Dudoy ... and he goes by Erick.


Erick was not to be left unchallenged as the a duo came out of the shadows to compete.  Similar to the likes of Penn and Teller, Jordan and Pippen, Sonnie and Cher, Bob Castas and the evening news, Frank and Sinatra came Cindy and Roslyn.  Their styles wowed the crowd and made it impossible to come out with a clear winner.  From their two person band, to when they pulled out all the stops and brought out their mini Japanese drum and pounded on it like there was no tomorrow, the duo definitely entertained.


Unfortunately the night came to a close, but everyone was treated to a nice Fat Cat.  This type of talent doesn't happen often, but when it does, sparks fly!  Until next time America ...

+ mon

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Reader Comments (2)

9:16 am? Did you not sleep last night?

March 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRoslyn

I did for about 2 hours then I had to get up to go to early Mass - I'm sooooooo sleepy but I had to get the videos up!

+ mon

March 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterMONStar

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