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Trip 120 Miles South

This is a late entry because I can't seem to find any wifi here. So I had to set things up through my phone and bberry so that I can moblog. If you haven't heard that term, you're not alone. In researching how to send a blog entry through your phone, I discovered that it actually has a name, moblogging. I knew it was possible since I saw some other people doing it but never tried till now.

So here I am in quiet Delaware moblogging from my bberry, ahhh the joys of technology (it also has its darkside).

We weren't sure if we were going to take the trip here this weekend, but decided around noon time that we were going and will spend the night. Usually we leave Shadow at home but this time we brought him! He actualy loves this trip and he's in his bed sleeping now.

Today was pretty uneventful as we stayed in the house most of the day and made our way to Target and the Christmass Tree Shoppe for a quick 1.5 hour quick shop.

It was a nice day though, just spending time with family and not doing anything. Eating, watching tv, chit chatting is especially fun when with the fam bam. It was good to get my dad out of the house since he stays home most of the time while here in NY.

Watching the kids play with their sticky hands on the ceiling ad Buggy walking everywhere was definitely worth the trip. Shadow even ran around the backyard and had some exercise! Before coming here we stopped at the Petco on 32nd and 2nd. I took Shadow inside because he needed a harness (couldn't find his at home). He was scared going in there and usually his reaction when seeing other dogs is barking and being mister macho man. But not this time he was quiet and I even put him on the floor while thisother Chihuahua smelled his ear without him doing anything. Maybe this is a turning point in his life??

So we're heading back to NY in the morning (if I wake up) and its always sad when we part ways since we are unsure of the next Delaware or the next NY visit.

On another note I wasn't planning on "shopping" but ended up spending a good amount of change at Target and the Christmas Treee Shoppe. Again the impulse buying got to me, I guess there goes that Lenten sacrifice!

Alright that's it for now, I found another use for my work issued bberry. Now I can blog on the run and if anything interesting happens, I can take video, pics and then have it up within 5 minutes (I think there's a 5 minute lag). Sorry this entry has been all over the place, I'm having a hard time typing with my overly muscular fingers on this tiny keyboard.

+ mon

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