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As Seen on TV

I usually do laundry with my dad and Dudoy, but since everyone is in PI I'm left to do it all by my lonesome.  The usual routine would be me driving to the laundromat and just throwing my clothing into the machine.  I would sometimes have to put the Tide directly onto my white shirts to get rid of the ring around the collar or ring around the cuff ... with little to no success.  

Sunday came around and it was about time that I did some sort of cleaning.  After moping the floor and doing an amazing job on it ... I decided to go and wash my clothes.  A few weeks earlier my dad had washed my white button down shirts with the colors leaving my whites a grayish color.  First thought was to bleach the shirts or just wear them as gray shirts, but I didn't have anymore white shirts.  It was actually all of my white shirts that turned gray ... about six or seven of them.  

First thing is first, I needed to get the soap and items related.  It's not as easy as going into the trunk of your car and pulling out the bottle of soap that's usually available, this time I had to filter through the ninety different kinds of Tide soaps that was in front of me.  I also wanted to get my shirts back to the white they once so proudly displayed, Clorox was my choice of getting that job done.  I called my sister to help me out and she advised me not to use Clorox because it's damaging to the clothes.  Oxiclean was the suggested way to go ... after reading the instructions it didn't make sense on what I had to do.  There were instructions for the "high efficiency" machines which I assumed were the ones at the laundromat and it was said to put the Oxiclean into the "tub" prior to adding the detergent.  I wasn't sure where this "tub" was but figured that I'm supposed to add it to were the clothes actually were.  This is what I considered the "tub."  

Time and time again I would take the Tide and rub it into the collar and cuffs to get our the dirt ... it would work but never make it perfectly clean.  Sometimes it would even leave the blue color of the soap in the white which was not good at all.  

We've all seen this on TV where the guy yells at you and tells you how amazing the product is, heck he'll even go to great lengths to prove it!  He'll stain that carpet with iodine, red wine, grape juice, and it all comes out with some Oxiclean and water, simple right?  

At first I thought it was going to act like a bleach and just take all the color out of my clothes, see instead of just putting it on the whites, I had decided to put it on everything now, colors included.  I watched as the machines went round and round, not sure of what the outcome was going to be, but checking the water color inside to see if it was stripping the color out.  So far so good, water is clear with bubbles from the soap, but not color washing out.

Once the cycle was done and I pulled out the whites, I was pleasantly surprised!  I couldn't believe that it actually took out the ring around the collar and cuff, completely!  It turned my whites white again too, the gray was all gone!  It seemed to turn my colors brighter too!  

Oxiclean definitely did the trick, so if you're looking to get the crap out of your clothes and haven't been able to, Oxiclean is a great additive!  

After researching Oxiclean today and how it actually cleans, the Oxiclean is a chemical that reacts with water where it will attack the stain by changing it's chemical makeup and removing the color out of the stain.  So it's not actually removing the stain but removing the color of the stain to bring back the original color of the clothing.

So that's my review of Oxiclean, use it, it's good stuff and makes your clothes look clean!

+ mon

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