Entries in bill (1)


Breaking Even

I've always considered myself someone who breaks even.  I find it very difficult to save, and the reasons always vary.  Sometimes it's because I went shopping too much, but usually it's because something happens within my life that money needs to be funneled in that direction.

This happens all the time with me, like when I work a lot of overtime and think I'm going to be able to save that money ... I don't.  The reason was because my dog needed an operation and I had to use that cash to pay for it. 

So today was another reminder of that same principle, that I always break even.  Well it's actually worse than that, it's I always break even or I end up in the red.  Pretty much getting the short end of the stick most of the time when it comes to finances.

With the last check I got, I thought I would be able to save a good amount of money, but that just wasn't the case.  I sponsored some youth for HW and that was fine, I charged most of it on my credit cards that I had previously paid off the week before.  I checked my account today and thought that a check cleared, but apparently it didn't go through yet, and the money that came out was from another charge that I wasn't aware of! 

So the story goes that I lowered my text messages on the phone to 400 a month for $5 instead of the unlimited text messaging for $20 a month because, well I figured that I wasn't that popular and people don't try to text me anymore. 

Damn did I get screwed!  For the month of Jan to Feb, the additional costs for text messages were up to $140!  Now I saw this months extra charges and it's up at $110 just for the text messages. 

That's what happens when I try to save a few bucks here and there, I get pinched someway.  In trying to lower my bill down $15 a month ... I ended up getting jacked for about $125 average monthly (so far)!  Hmmm maybe I should call and have them switch me over to the $20 plan again and see if they can remove some of those charges?

Wow, this is just craziness.  I'm going to call them now and hopefully they can help me with this since this is outrageous!

+ mon