Entries in dvds (1)


Netflix ... too Expensive!

The only reason I say that is because I make it expensive.  How does that work you ask? 

Well I'm on the 3 dvd at a time plan, I think it's something like $20 or $21 a month.  Not too bad huh?  Well it gets pricey when you don't return the dvd's for 2 or 3 months at a time!  So I'm really paying about $20 a dvd to rent, if I keep the 3 dvds for 3 months at at ime!

Geeze, I could just buy the dvd already.  To make things worse, I have been renting at the local Blockbuster instead of me returning the Netflix movies to get new ones.  This is one of the bad habits that I have to break.

I'm not sure what it is that makes it so hard to just drop the dvds in the mailbox.  I could even just bring it into the office and drop it off at the mailroom, but the thing is, the last time I did that Netflix never received any of the dvds ... so you can figure that one out for yourself!

I need to return these movies and save some money!

+ mon