Entries in french fries (2)


In and Who??? It's all about the Number of Guys!

Everytime I'm in Cali the ones who I go with make a big deal, a huge deal about In and Out.  They talk about how wonderful it is and how great it is.  To me it's just another burger, it's good, but it's not what I go to Cali for (that's another topic all it's own ... MmMMM Jack in the Box and Salt n Pepper Chicken!).

There has been one place here in NyC that has come close to that In and Out type burger, and it's on the eastside called Blue Burger Heaven.  The reason I sayy the In and Out type burger is because of the way they cook it and serve it to you, and somewhat on the taste, which I still think tastes like a regular good burger. 

Well I've seen this place before but hadn't tried it until recently.  It's called Five Guys Burgers.  Diday brought me back a "Little Bacon Cheeseburger with onions" the other week.  The "little" is only one patty as their "regular" burgers have two patties.  I decided noti to eat it with ketchup or anything else, just however they made it.  Took two bites and I could taste the goodness, instantly an In and Out killer for me.  The taste and meat was just different and better, yes I said it's better than In and Out

Two bites into the burger I took a "break" and went into the living room.  When I turned my head back to the dining table, I see my dad eating the burger until there was nothing left!  So I'm guessing my dad likes it too, he ate that thing pretty fast too ... and he just ate dinner. 

I had a chance at my own burger during the workweek as we were trying to figure out what to eat.  But looking at the menu, something else caught my eye ... it was the hot dog.  Unknown territory again ... how would this hot dog compare to anything that I've had before, most especially Gray's Papaya and Weinerschnitzel. 

Here I had the bacon cheese hot dog with mushrooms and onions ... just typing that I could feel my heart struggling for it's next beat!  But it was good! 

One of my favorite things about Five Guys is that they give you fries ... A LOT OF FRIES!  They put it in these styrofoam cups, but once they get all that you ordered in the bag, they dump more fries in the bag!  I can't forget about the Cajun Fries ... these are extremely good and I want some right now!  All I've been doing is craving these fries since yesterday when I last had them. 

All that seasoning on the fries along with ketchup ... I could go without the burger.  Potatoes are healthy right!? 

Taste : 8.2
Price : $ out of $$$
Restaurant : 8 (quick, free peanuts and refills)

+ mon


It's in the Bag

Everyone knows I'm not a health nut or even close to that, so it comes as no surprise that one of the best foods ever is french fries!  Yes those crunchy, golden yellow, nutritionless sticks that you dip into ketchup ... MmmmmMmmm just blogging about it makes me want some (I actually have some from Burger King that my dad didn't finish in the kitchen!).

But what is better than french fries though?  When you're going either one by one, or a handful of a fries at a time.  Just watching the fries disappear from that carton box they come in ... it's sad when you don't have anymore left.  But ... but but ... one of the greatest feelings in the world is when you look inside the bag and see that there are more fries that had fallen out of that carton box and were just waiting for you to find them! 

Ahhh yes, the fries that are at the bottom of that bag are the best fries ever.  They are like a surprise, I was going to compare them to the prize in the Crackle Jack boxes, but that one is expected.  The fries at the bottom of the bag, are definitely unexpected.  It can either be one fry, sometimes non at all if you get super effecient employee that makes sure there's no spillage, or there could be a ton of fries!  I prefer the latter.

+ mon