Entries in sweet tea (1)


A Terrible Weakness

With all the temptations out there this one always gets me all the time.  No matter how hard I try to stay away from it, there it is right in my face all the time.  And I can't resist, and I must yield to the temptation ...

McDonalds has a lot of things on their menu that I'd want, but the one thing that constantly gets me all the time is the Sweet Tea.  It's sooo sweet and so good, so refreshing and it's only $1 !!!

I got two sweet teas last night after volleyball and then again this morning to last me throughout the day.  I figure that I'd be efficient and just buy my lunch while I was there and I ended up getting the bacon & swiss angus burger - yeah I'm definitely trying to eat healthy!

Ahhhh sweet tea, sooooooo good.

+ mon