Entries in video games (3)



Omg ... anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a huge huge fan of Metal Gear Solid ... and now I have come to find out from a friend of mine that there is another installment of the series coming out.  WoW!


There is a teaser trailer that has a countdown for four days ... I guess they are going to announce the net MGS game!  Big Boss seems to be the lead character for this one!  I can't wait!

+ mon


Cousin See, Cousin Do

What I'm talking about here is what Ody seems to do, I end up doing it sooner or later.  We seem to end up doing the same hobby at on point or another, usually he'll get into it first then I'll come follow.  I was thinking about this and I thought it started with the DJ equipment that he had ... but it actually goes further back then that.

When we were little kids, my parents would never let me out of the house, play outside, go to the park or anything like that unless Ody was going.  They would always ask "is Ody going to be there?" and if the answer was yes, then it was never a problem - so that's a good thing, my parents saw him as a good example!

The bad thing ... is that everything Ody had, I wanted too!  I think it all started with the Matchbox garage set.  It was a parking garage for Matchbox cars that we bought from KB Toys.  There was this plastic spread that would have the outline of the garage and also the parking spaces lined out, then you would put the plastic garage set over this, I remember there was even a toll booth (I did a backflip on Ody's garage set, but that's another story all it's own).

Ody had that parking garage and I wanted it too!  So I asked and begged my parents for one, they ended up getting it for me since I couldn't go to Ody's house everyday.  From then it just snowballed onto other hobbies.

It went into video games, we both had Atari's, then it went into skateboards, then baseball, basketball.  The hobbies continued and I followed right along.  That's when it all started, when we were little kids, with simple toys, then bigger and more expensive things ... until we became young adults and then adults.

Ody had the DJ set and I wanted to DJ!  So I ended up buying it from him and used it, then I actually DJ'd for a while after investing more and more into equipment and music.  Snowboarding came along as Ody sold me his old snowboard for cheap, so again he pushed me into the hobby!  After snowboarding, Ody had gotten into cars, but I couldn't as I didn't have my license and enough cash to support that hobby, which was a good thing or else I would be in more debt.  From photography, the guitar, computers, european cars, the list just won't stop.

I'm wondering what the next hobby will be that I'll influence him with, or that he'll influence me with.  He recently went sky diving and I've always wanted to go!  As soon as he told me about the sky diving trip, I started to search on eBay to buy my own parachute!  If you don't know me, one thing that comes out pretty quickly is when I get into a hobby, or really find something I like to do, I spend a ton of cash on it and usually buy everything with the bells and whistles - which is a bad thing!

Soooo I wonder what the next hobby will be ... bull riding?  Rock climbing?  Parasailing?  All I know is that whatever it is I should start saving now because the trend is that the hobbies are becoming more expensive.  From that simple $20 - $30 Matchbox garage set with $0.99 cars, to $500 cameras the price just keeps going up!

+ mon


ADHD Video Games

What ever happened to the good old days when I could sit in front of the TV all day long and just play video games???  It's weird but I find myself not being able to focus or stay interested in one game for more than a day or a few days at most.  

Most recently I bought Streeth Fighter IV, and Killzone 2.  Both great games, but I have played those games about 2 days at most ... I don't know why???

Back in the day on 90th street, I remember the days when I would sit with my cousins and play video games all day long!  The all too wonderful Super Mario, Contra, Gradius, actually it even goes further back then that.  All that time spent on playing games with Ody on the Atari 2600 like Asteroids, Baseball, Pacman, King Solomon's Mine, Pit Fall, Pole Position and there were so many more games that I can't remember.  One game I can't remember the name of is where you're in a mall, and you're a cop chasing the prisoner jumping over shopping carts, going up the escalators and all that good stuff ... I think it was calle Keystone Cops???

Those were the days when we would spend hours and hours playing these games, for me it was even days at a time!  I remember I'd wake up and the first thing I would do is turn on my Sega Master System ... yes I always had Sega, from the Sega Master System to the Sega Genesis.  We would sit there watching each other play and rooting each other to win so we can see what else happens in the game and story.

But that's all in the past now, well for the meantime at least.  Maybe it's the games that I'm playing?  Little Big Planet was a game that kept me interested for a while, at least a month.  Metal Gear Solid 4 ... now that was a game that I couldn't stop playing, that brought me back to the days when I would play for hours on end until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, that game was one that I played for soooooooo long.  

So maybe it is the games that I'm playing which dictate how interested I am.  Maybe the FPS games on the PS3 don't keep me entertained that much anymore, but I need more of that adventure type game where there's a good story or you have to save the mushroom princess.  Maybe I'm just getting old???  Nooo I can't say that, I'm never too old to play video games!  

Oh well, I guess I'll try going back to playing MGS4 and Little Big Planet since they were the ones to keep me interested for a while.

+ mon