Entries in weather (3)


Man Funk That!

There was a song in the 90's where this guy just went through a list of things that annoyed him ... so here's my list ...

Why is it that everytime I go to the movies, I end up sitting behind someone with the biggest head and behind the only person in theater that doesn't slouch down in their seats!

Why is it that when you're driving 85mph in the fast lane on the highway, there's always one car that merges from the next lane over and goes 60mph in the fast lane right in front of you!

Why is it that when the weather is so nice outside and everyone is out in the sun, you're the only one who can't enjoy it because of your allergies! 

Why is it that you have a coworker who sends you an email and they minute they click on send they call you and ask you if you received their email!?

Alright those are the four things I can think of right now and I know I'm going to have more so there will be a part two to this coming up ... soon.

+ mon


Do you Smell it?

Spring is in the air!  As much as I love the winter ... I love spring too!  Well I actually like all of the seasons because of the different things each one of them brings.

I guess I see spring coming in the next week or two from seeing how it's been in the past few years.  Usually we'll get a snowstorm right before spring comes.  That last (or first) snowstorm will come and drop a ton of snow on the ground, getting icey and cold.  Then in about a week you start to see that all start to melt away, the temperature starts to go up and then the buds start on the trees.

Hmmm two weeks at most is what I'm giving it.  But I think the spring like weather will be coming around this weekend, if not early next week.

+ mon



This past "winter" has been a bit of a let down.  There hasn't been much snow, if any at all.  The temperature has been going up and down, and sometimes it feels like spring is already here - that's how it felt at the end of last week.

Until yesterday ... we were blessed with a big amount of snow!  I guess you can tell that I do love the snow.  We've had about only one major snowstorm each year for the past few years, and it's disappointing :( I remember those days when we would have at least two or three snowstorms during the year!

These would be the times when I would be out shoveling and seeing the kids having a snowball fight, and there's just something in me that can't say no to that.  So they'll all of a sudden see a random snowball come from where I was shoveling.

I guess part of it is that it takes me back to the days when I was younger ... oh wow, when you say something like that you know that you're getting old!  But I miss those days when there was a snowday and schools were closed, well sometimes they weren't even closed, but the streets and roads were covered in just enough snow that I was able to convince my parents that it was better that I stay home that day.  During these snowdays, with nothing ever planned it would always come to a point where my cousins and I would all go outside around the same time ... after some shoveling had been done by the neighbors and there were little mountains of snow on random spots.  We would then hide behind these mounds, and the war on 90th street began!

This was never a timed war ... sometimes hours, sometimes a few minutes.  It would depend on if there was an injury on the field of battle.  The quick battles would be the result of someone getting hit in the eye or in the ear with a nicely packed snowball.  That would stop things and depend on if that person was able to recover after using the blowdrying to warm up.

Ahhh those were the days.  The days when the snow was more than a blessing, but a blessing we could play in.  Those were the days when we could play in the snow even though we couldn't feel our fingers anymore.

So with this crazy weather of being in the 50's, then a snowstorm and being in the teens, I can only hope for more snow and maybe have another battle.
