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Feel the Heat

It's been a while since I've been excited ... about Holy Week.  Well it's obvious because the last time I went was last year, but it's different this year.  I guess in the past few months I've felt spiritually empty and dry, no one to blame but myself.  Well this time around I feel it again, I feel that burning inside.

I'm not sure what it is, or if it's even just one single thing.  Most likely it's a combination of a few things, one being that I went to confession on Friday and I'm still doing good since then - usually I'll fall within a few hours of confession, or even less!  Another factor could be that there are a good amount of youth that are going to California for Holy Week this year!

So far there are 7 or 8 of us that are going, and about 7 of us on the same flight going there!  It's going to be a party plane on that Virgin America flight :)

My only hope is that my spiritual prep continues to do as well as it's been for the past few days.  There's still a long way to go ... it's just the start, but feeling that fire within is definitely a good way to start.

Another big factor that I think is helping this fire go is seeing the kids.  See when I say kids, I'm referring to the 18, 19 and 20 year olds that I hang out with all the time.  Seeing Emil getting hyped about the past meeting and the upcoming events including HW is exciting!  Also knowing that the kids are doing what they can to try and make it even though there is a good amount of money involved in flying over there ... it's inspiring.  Hearing them say simple things like "I'm going no matter what" and even if they have to miss school (like they are going to actually miss being in class!).

As someone once told me ... do I really want to throw gas on that flame?  The answer is obvious.

+ mon

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