Entries in birthday (3)


The Big 3-0!

My birthday was last Wednesday and it was the 30th ... damn just typing that out makes me feel old!  Some people were telling me that I should make it a big party or celebration since it's a big milestone, another word that makes me feel old ... "milestone."

I was going to try to plan a party in this place I found in the city but that didn't end up happening since the place never called me back and it would have been a good amount of money to put down anyways.  There was really no plans for that night, the only thing I knew was that my dad was cutting up the stuff for the lumpia that he was going to cook for me that night.

It just so happened that Wednesday was also my volleyball game night that I could not miss since we were already short a few people.  Here at work, I tried to keep it under wraps as much as I could because I didn't want them throwing me a surprise party at work, that's what we usually do when it's someone's birthday.  The plan was for me to go straight home after volleyball to have dinner with the fam, well we can plan as much as we want but that doesn't mean it's always going to go as planned.  Right after the game the team decided to go to a local bar and get me some shots for my birthday, and that they did.  After four shots, I had to call it quits and head on home, but I couldn't take the subway in my state so I decided to call for a car.  Arvin was with me and for some reason I had a weird feeling that something was up and planned.  When we were in the bar Arvin came from outside saying that we had to go because my dad just called him looking for me.  That was strange to me since I had signal but no phone calls ... but the liquor was working it's magic so I quickly forgot.

On the ride home I was joking with Arvin that I hope there isn't a surprise birthday party for me ... and he didn't respond.  I said it again and he ignored me ... my spidey senses were going off again.  Finally got to the house after traffic and as I was walking down the stairs to the front door, I saw people peeking in the window and thought that was strange but didn't really think much of it.  Diday has to open the door since I had my keys in my jacket and my jacket was all the way in my bag.  

In the traditional Simon routine I would start taking my shirt off right before I came through the door because it was hot, good thing this wasn't one of those times that I did that!  As I walk in through the door I saw a whole bunch of family and friends in my house, I don't even remember heading "surprise!" because I was in shock from everyone there.  

I think this was actually the first surprise party that I've had thrown for me!  I joked with Arvin in the car ride that I hope there isn't a surprise party because with my luck I'll have a heart attack from all the excitement!  There everyone was eating and drinking ... some of the food was already gone because I had gotten there two hours late!!!

Here I was in my volleyball clothes, smelling of sweat and liquor with everyone around me.  As I got my gifts, I started to wonder something ... why were all of my gifts food!?  I'm not complaining by any means, but is that what I'm known for, food? lol

The first gift was the "monwich!" which was insane!  To this day I'm still not even sure what was in it, but this is what I think was inside that monster of a sandwich.  There was McDonalds hamburger patties, clam strips and chicken rings from White Castle, Spam, cheese and I garlic mayo!  It was heavy when I held the entire sandwich in my hand, but oh so good when I got a bite of it!  The combination of foods doesn't sound appetizing to some, but it's good stuff.  Ody then handed me his gift ... the beast!  Damn people are trying to make me have a heart attack, but I'm not complaining!  I couldn't touch the beast that night, I had to wait until Thursday night to eat some of that beast.  There is still some of the monwich left, but that will be gone pretty soon.  Loan got me an M&M cake that I wasn't able to eat, but I did get a taste of that famous dip that she made!  Just a taste!  Apparently in my two hour tardiness, the surprisers consumed most if not all of the dip and also the chips!  I used the monwich to clean up the bowl with the remaining dip ... that was a good combination too!

Part of the family culture that we have liquor.  I've always tried to stay away from it and well when I do have some, you know that I don't drink much!  Here we were blowing out the candles and I was given a shot of some Southern Comfort.  Then another ... then another.  good thing there wasn't that much left or else I'm afraid the shots would have just kept on coming!  After a few minutes needless to say I was using the walls and other people for support.  There were instances of yacking but luckily I was able to keep everything down, it would have been a waste of all the wonderfull food I just ate!  

I'm not sure what I started saying but I hope it wasn't too revealing and it seems that when I drink and it starts to take it's effect, I end up on the floor for one reason or another.  Wednesday night was no exception.  

It was an awesome brithday party and thank you to all the people who came and put it together!!!  

I remember finding a nice spot on the carpet where I just stayed for a little bit until everyone ended up going home for the night.  But I still had people coming over!  G and his cousin were still on the way and we ended up going to Hooters for a little bit.  Chicken wings and sangria ... the combination of champions!

So here I am, the dirty thirty.  Just that word really makes me feel older ... I prefer this to be my one year anniversary of being 29.  

The next day was work and I still have no idea how I made it into work ... with the famous words of many individuals who have ended up on the bad side of a drunken night ... I'm never drinking again.  

+ mon


Introduction to the Family

Bringing someone into the Raymundo family isn't really that hard, I find it that we're very welcoming to "newcomers."  But sometimes it's hard for those coming in to fit in and get along or just get used to the our family.

Shadow has been in my family for a while now and he's what we like to call anti social.  He doesn't like other dogs, he doesn't like other people except for the people in my house, and sometimes that's even hit or miss.  

His mom, Becky was the total opposite.  She loved other people and was very friendly with them.  Other dogs, she would try to get to know, until Shadow would try to attack them.  That's how it worked when Becky was still here.

The other week we had a birthday party for Rosly and Rini.  It was a "dog party" where everyone brought their dogs.  This wasn't any ordinary dog party, it was more of a Raymundo/Malonzo family party including our dogs!  

Shadow has this thing when I'm about to leave the house, he will stay on the bed and get sad knowing that I won't be home.  I decided to surprise him and not tell him that he was going with us until the very last minute.  There he was on the bed with his eyes staring at me as if he was saying "you're leaving again me home alone again :(" but when I grab his leash he knows that he's going with me!  His eyes grew bigger and he ran for me to leash him up and take him outside.  When we get outside he sees the car door open and waits for me to carry him, being vertically challenged he needs some help now and then.

The whole ride you could hear him as he was excited to figure out where we were going.  As soon as we got to the park there was already a big black dog waiting to welcome him, not part of our family though.  Shadow in his typical response to other dogs went into attack mode.  He's done this a few times before when I was walking him around the block, one time in particular was against another chihuahua.  It was a female and I thought that Shadow might like her, and also a good way for me to meet the owner!  Shadow barely made his rounds of smelling her when he got into the attack position while growling at her.  This was the same reaction to the black dog in front of the park.

When we made it to where we setup everyone was already welcoming to Shadow!  They all knew his name and was surprised that he made it out of the house, it was the first time they had seem him leave my front door, or maybe even the first time they have seen him leave my room.  I guess he's like me, he likes to stay home a lot.  So there he was in the middle of the family and not knowing if he should be friendly or if he should be angry at everyone.  Not only that but he was introduced to the K-9 part of the family too!  Rini was there in her dress and a few others that started to come in one by one.  

I was scared thinking that he would go on the attack again, but he didn't.  The only time he would growl was when [Chick] Magnet would try to smell his butt.  Max was another dog there that really seemed interested in Shadow's butt, but he was not having that.  The whole day he stayed by me and there were a few times where he wandered away, even letting Cindy take him for a short run!  

His transition to the family was a little awkard at first, since all he did was sit in the corner and be by himself.  But we'll see how it goes from here, it's good to have him meet the other family members and maybe I'll take him to more family functions.

Until the next outing, Shadow waits in the bed.


+ mon


Happy Belated Birthday!

This is a birthday greeting the youth have for Ate - it's a bit late but as they say, better late than never!  

I just noticed ... it used my picture as the thumbnail, that was random!  I didn't do that, just fyi.

+ mon