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Third Bedroom

I mentioned it in the "Knocked Out" entry about how I have a few bedrooms, one is in my house, the second is the subway, the third is here - at work!

Noo I don't sleep at my desk if that's what you're thinking.  Well actually I've fallen asleep for a couple of minutes here at my desk and ended up knocking things down when I suddenly woke up, but that's not the third bedroom I'm talking about.

It actually started while I was working at another firm and I came in one day dead tired, I can't remember if it was from a lack of sleep, or I was just tired during the day.  So I needed a power nap, the only place to do it was in the men's room, yes you read that right, in the men's room.

I would sit there on the porcelain thrown and either rest my elbow on the toilet paper holder to support my head, while I closed my eyes for a few minutes, or I will put my elbows on my knees (if the toilet paper holder wasn't in the correct position), and I'd have double support for my head.  

There is a maximum time limit here, 15 minutes is borderline so you need to make your exit prior to that.  Anything more than 15 minutes and people will knock on the door asking if you're alright.  There was one time where I didn't wake up for a good 30 minutes and people were looking for me, someone knocked on the door after recognizing my shoes from under the stall walls.  They asked if I was alright and I woke up not knowing where I was and what was going on ... I had to quickly answer and I told them that I had something bad for lunch.  

So many stories of my third bedroom ... there was the time when I started to snore while taking my power nap, luckily no one I knew came in the bathroom, or at least no one knew it was me.  There was another time where there was someone that came into the stall next to me that was quite loud with his ... deposits and air from down there.  It was similar to trying to sleep next to someone who snores loud, and has some stank breath.  

There are times when I'll go to a higher floor because they have cleaner bathrooms, but I'll usually stay here somewhere close to my desk, just incase.  I actually haven't done it in a while but the option is always there!

As you're reading this, I bet you're wondering ... does he sit with his pants up or does he sit as if he's doing the deuce?  Well ... you have to sell it so you gotta go all out with the pants to the floor!

+ mon

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Reader Comments (2)

LOL ever since you've told me about this I've always found it hilarious. Just curious now, do you co-workers read your blog?

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGee

I hope not!

+ mon

March 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterMONStar

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