Entries in sleep (4)


Back to the Reality

Ahhhh yes I'm back in NY, I landed yesterday around 5:30am and it's that "horrible" feeling of coming back from a nice "vacation."  Going to Cali wasn't a vacation when I go during Holy Week, it's time spent with the other BNP people from all over the world and it's definitely a great way to jump start that spiritual part of your life and is always a great experience. 

The day started out with us landing in JFK and the rain welcoming us back to NY.  One of the worst parts of being at the airport is waiting for checked-in luggage!  I don't check luggage in but I had to wait for everyone else that had their bags checked.  That's the worst when you're sitting there just waiting for the belt to start spinning ... and it's even worse when your luggage just happens to be one of the last ones to come out of that chute.  Here it is about 6am now and the belt starts, people are crowded around it shoulder to shoulder waiting for their bags to come.  I find it funny how some people stand about 10 feet away from the belt and hope to snag their bag up when it comes out.  There was one guy who had that hope ... as his bag came out of the chute he seems it and instantly bounces up from sitting against the wall.  Now his bag is on the belt and as he's slowly walking parallel to it there is a wall of people in his way until he finally finds that small opening, just big enough to get his hand through.  It was with his skills that he was able to grab one of the straps on his duffle bag ... but now comes another problem!  He has to pull the bag out of that small opening ... while other bags are still coming and about to push his bag further down.  Sounds like a video game huh???  Now the success of this plan lies in how heavy his bag is and how strong he is.  If he's not that strong and his bag is too heavy for him to pull with three or four fingers on the strap, then he loses.  His bag will get swept away with the other bags and he'll have to wait for it to come back around.  But fortunately for him the combination of his strength and weight of his bag was perfect and he was able to snag his bag and pull it out of that small opening from the wall of people.

We all know that feeling of taking a "nap" because we're so tired but then when we wake up from that short sleep we feel so much worse!  It was about 6:30am when we got home and I changed real fast into house clothes in hopes of getting some sleep in my bed for an hour or two ... but saw what became of my room for the past week.  A bad part of "vacationing" for me is that when I leave Shadow (my dog) alone, I think he gets mad at me ... either that or he just has some problems with his butt.  He greeted me as happily as he could when I came in the door, but when I looked into my room, I saw what he had been doing for the past week.  He was virtually alone except when my brother was there feeding him, so there was no one to take him out to do his business when nature called.  I won't go into detail but if you want to know what it was like, it's similar to the movie Dumb and Dumberer.  That scene when younger Lloyd was in the bathroom with a Hersey bar in his back pocket and it melted on the radiator.  The chocolate went everywhere and when the father (Bob Sagat) later went into the bathroom he saw the chocolate everywhere but thought it was something else and all you could hear him yelling was that "he sh*t everywhere!  ... Look what he did he sh*t all over the wall!"

I ended up sleeping on the rug in the living room and couldn't fall asleep for a while, I wish I just got up and started cleaning up instead of trying to knock out.  But I did end up falling asleep and woke up around 10am and had to be at work by 9:30am.  Woke up with that feeling of "damn I wish I didn't sleep" but somehow made my way to work.  I don't even remember what happened at work ... the day went by and I had volleyball that night but wasn't sure if I was going to make it.

Going home on the train, you know you're tired when you knock out immediately after sitting down.  Also, when you wake up because your face is cold from the drool dripping down your chin and down your neck.  Yes I was drooling ... again.  Ended up missing my stop and the only reason I woke up was because I had one big snore and it made me jump to see that I passed my stop. 

At home I cleaned up the mess in my room and ended up weighing myself ... it wasn't surprising to see the results.  I knew that I had gained some weight during the trip and it was about eight or nine pounds, you'll find out why later with all the food that we ate while there.  So I had to go to volleyball to try and work some of this new poundage off! 

Back to the daily grind ... wishing I was in Cali or going back soon.  Now I have more time to blog, blogon!

+ mon


Free Falling

This has happened to everyone so you can't say that this hasn't happened to you.  It's when you fall asleep and then you suddenly wake up because you have that feeling of falling ... ahhh yes that feeling.

Well it's all good and dandy, and quite normal for us to have that reaction and feeling when we do fall asleep.  But it's not good when you're in public or around people in close quarters!

As usual I fell asleep on the train.  I was sitting in those two seater seats so I could lay my head on the bars without falling on the person next to me.  Had a nice sleep going and all of a sudden I had that falling down feeling, you're probably dying with anticipation as to what I did next huh? 

So sleeping there and as I was waking up from the falling down feeling, I hop in my seat, so I got about 1 or 2 inches of air off of the seat, but that wasn't the "big deal."  The big deal was when I did that, my arms kind of went and did their own thing.  I ended up throwing an elbow into the arm of the person next to me!!!

I'm just glad that it wasn't some thug or someone who was capable of kicking my (_|_).  It was some spanish guy who seemed very quiet and all. 

As I hopped in my seat with my arms going crazy, my eyes opened since I suddenly woke up.  I realized that I just hit the guy next to me so I pretended to go back to sleep!  While my eyes were open for all of two seconds, I did notice that everyone was looking at me and the guy next to me made a grunting noise as I hit him.  While I was fake sleeping I could hear him rubbing his arm on top of his jacket assuming that was where I elbowed him.  I heard people laughing as I faked sleeping again ... only to fall back asleep and almost missing my stop!

Ahhh well just another story to add to my book.  I hope that spanish guy is alright, dang it'll be awkward if I ever see him again.  I'm sure he'll remember that guy who elbowed him for no reason.

+ mon


Third Bedroom

I mentioned it in the "Knocked Out" entry about how I have a few bedrooms, one is in my house, the second is the subway, the third is here - at work!

Noo I don't sleep at my desk if that's what you're thinking.  Well actually I've fallen asleep for a couple of minutes here at my desk and ended up knocking things down when I suddenly woke up, but that's not the third bedroom I'm talking about.

It actually started while I was working at another firm and I came in one day dead tired, I can't remember if it was from a lack of sleep, or I was just tired during the day.  So I needed a power nap, the only place to do it was in the men's room, yes you read that right, in the men's room.

I would sit there on the porcelain thrown and either rest my elbow on the toilet paper holder to support my head, while I closed my eyes for a few minutes, or I will put my elbows on my knees (if the toilet paper holder wasn't in the correct position), and I'd have double support for my head.  

There is a maximum time limit here, 15 minutes is borderline so you need to make your exit prior to that.  Anything more than 15 minutes and people will knock on the door asking if you're alright.  There was one time where I didn't wake up for a good 30 minutes and people were looking for me, someone knocked on the door after recognizing my shoes from under the stall walls.  They asked if I was alright and I woke up not knowing where I was and what was going on ... I had to quickly answer and I told them that I had something bad for lunch.  

So many stories of my third bedroom ... there was the time when I started to snore while taking my power nap, luckily no one I knew came in the bathroom, or at least no one knew it was me.  There was another time where there was someone that came into the stall next to me that was quite loud with his ... deposits and air from down there.  It was similar to trying to sleep next to someone who snores loud, and has some stank breath.  

There are times when I'll go to a higher floor because they have cleaner bathrooms, but I'll usually stay here somewhere close to my desk, just incase.  I actually haven't done it in a while but the option is always there!

As you're reading this, I bet you're wondering ... does he sit with his pants up or does he sit as if he's doing the deuce?  Well ... you have to sell it so you gotta go all out with the pants to the floor!

+ mon


Knocked Out!

I lied, I am going to post now before I forget the topic ...

Ok ... don't deny this happening to you because you know it's happened a few times, well at least once.  So you're in the subway, and you're tired from a long day at work, or just hanging out, or it could even be the morning commute.  You also happen to be one of the lucky ones that get a seat, and you can't just help it but you close your eyes to the music of the train stations going by and the "ding dong" sound of the doors closing. 

You fall into a semi deep sleep, and you start to dream about whatever comes to mind, but it's usually something weird.  Next thing you know you wake up ... you're not sitting straight anymore, but you find yourself at a 45 degree angle almost on top of your neighbor!

Yes this has happened to you before!  Admit it ... please it'll make me feel better!

So today on the train going home, I found my seat and closed my eyes.  I knew I was going to fall asleep, as I do everyday, but I wasn't expecting what was to come.  I woke up about one stop later to a lady trying to sit down, but either I was too far over on her side, or her right butt cheek was too big and fell onto my left leg.  She squeezed in and I went back to sleep, on the right side of me were two high school girls just talking and joking around.  I drifted into dreamland and started to have some really crazy dreams, I think I actually incorporated the things the two high school girls were saying into my dream.  Then I woke up!  I woke up in the 45 degree angle towards the two girls, and to them laughing hysterically at me who was about to fall on the one sitting next to me.  I clearly remember hearing the one standing up saying ... "alright here we go here we go, watch him watch him!" ... then again "he's almost there, awwww" as I woke up. 

To add to the humiliation, I woke up with a cold spot on my chin as the drool came out of my mouth!  So as I apologized to the two girls, I had to take a slurp and quickly wipe my chin.  You'd think I would have learned from that experience ... but no, I was still 4 stops away, that's a good 5-10 minutes left, so I closed my eyes again, but this time making sure the back of my head was against the train.

Well this isn't the first time this has happened.  It seemd that the subway has become my second bedroom.  There was another time where I fell asleep on a crowded train going home, and I woke up to the sound of "if this motherf**ker touches me one more time ..." and again at the famous 45 degree angle.  I look to my left and see two girls staring at me with the most evil of eyes, as I try my best to play it off that I wasn't falling asleep on her, and that I wasn't sleeping at all, but that it was actually the train stopping and going that made my body fall in that direction! 

Ahhh yes, the infamous coverup!  Using the motion of the train to disguise that 45 sleep position ... I've done it many a times.

We can't forget about the sleeping while standing now can we?!  I haven't seen this done as much, but when you're there just standing, either against the door or just holding onto the poles, then you close your eyes for a quick second, next thing you know your knees give out from you falling asleep and you do this little jerking motion as you fall downward and quickly wake back up!  What a wonderful sight that is to see when I do that.  And of course, I try to play it off with the motion of the train, even though we could have been at a stop with the doors open. 

Well those are the quick stories that I had and I'm sure there will be more since it's not 1:30am and I'm going to be sleepy on the train again.  Onto my first bed for a few hours, then I'll be moving onto the second bed on the way to work (actually, that got me remembering that I do have a third bed ... I'll blog about that later, but the third bed is at work!).

Gotta try and stay awake on the train like this guy!

+ mon