
I Think I Can!

Ever since I was a little kid I always wanted to try new things and when I found something I've been the person to "go all out" with it.  Especially with sports, even though it's just a friendly game in the park I would do whatever I could to win or score, even if that meant getting hurt in the process.

I wish I had played volleyball earlier and kept with it as I really like it now.  Being in the one year anniversary of being 29 years old my body is starting to show signs of aging.  With the noises my joints are making, difficulty going up stairs, breathing hard after a few flights ... ok that might not really be an age thing but more of a weight thing but you get a the point.

Even with all this, I feel the need to play sports and play them as best as I can.  If that means diving on the ground, getting some cuts and bruises, then count me in!  Perhaps doing these things makes me feel "young" again and it gives me that feeling of being invincible that we all know from our childhoods.  

If you've ever seen me play volleyball you know that I run for all the balls possible even if there is little to no hope of me saving it.  People have seen me dive on my bad knee only to get up limping, losing skin on the court, crashing into other players ... but I don't think I've ever done anything like this before.  The only thing I can compare this to is when baseball players will run in the outfield for the ball and then crash into the wall going right through it.  

Here I was trying to save the ball as it was a really close game.  Full speed and just wanting to get the ball back into play.  

Unfortunately the ball wasn't hit after I hit it and we lose the point.  The ref had told me that I tied a record of knocking down 1.5 barriers ... so maybe next time I can try for a full two.  

Thanks to Arvin for the editing and the music, until next game!

+ mon


Sticking with Tradition?

Here I am trying to eat healthier ... I decided to skip the traditional breakfast at home of hot dog, eggs, tapa, or tocino and see what I could have when I got into work.  A few hours pass and breakfast is done so I ended up getting a turkey with cheddar on toasted white with lettuce and tomato for my brunch.  

I'm actually proud of myself for eating only half of that sandwich, I'm saving the other half for later, hopefully it will more than an hour before I end up getting "hungry" again.  

Instead of the regular snack of french fries, chips, cookies or whatever else that's so healthy, I came across some mangos in the "gourmet" deli!  Ahhh I love mangos.  With Filipino tradition it's usually eaten with bagoong or toyo, depending on which kind of mango it is or how ripe it is - that I have yet to figure out which goes with what.  

These soy sauce packets are looking awefully good right now ... I was able to hold back though!  Even though I had two pieces the traditional way with toyo, the rest will be pure mango!  I gotta tough it out and I gotta eat healthier.

Mmmmm these mangos are good, now if I only had some bagoong here.


+ mon


Dizziness? No!

The L train broke again and here I am on the M line waiting for the train. If you haven't been on the M line its in Brooklyn and its on one of those raised platforms that are outdoors, similar to the 7 train.

So here I am on the platform, I feel a sudden shaking and it feels as though I'm really dizzy. Uh oh I hope its not my high bloop pressure!

I find a seat and I still feel dizzy. Now I'm wondering if someone is shaking the bench but everyone is sill.

Now I realize after seeing the light fixture above me move back and forth like a pendulum that the platform is moving! The whole thing is shaking and there aren't even any trains passing by!

Thoughts of this collapsing fill my head and are nothing but negative thoughts. But then another part of my brain kicks in and if it does collapse and somehow make it out alive, then I'll be a millionaire! I won't need Monica anymore :) I wonder what happened to her??

Its funny how my mind works sometimes and what I think about. Sorry for this entry that had no point to it, I just had to share the moving platform.

+ mon



Breaking Point

You know you're gaining weight or too fat when you sneeze and then the button on your pants come flying off ... 

+ mon


I've Got the Power!

Ever been in a situation where you just needed to be in control?  Be it in the bar, the laundry, the restaurant?  Sitting there and having that TV on some channel that you don't want to see, or just wanting to watch something else on TV whle you're doing your thing, and you want to be in control!?

Well I have and yesterday I finally decided to do something about it!  There have been way too many times for me to count where I've been in that situation where I want the channel to be changed, I ask to have the channel changed but they refuse.  Doing the laundry is the worst, when you're there for hours and the TV is stuck on the worst UPN 9 show, or some spanish soap opera.  

Yesterday while having a late lunch at Nusara for Mothers day that situation came up again.  We left the house watching the Rockets vs the Lakers and didn't get to finish the game.  While at the restaurant we noticed that there was a TV while we waited to order.  The channel was stuck on a golf match and we wanted to watch the NBA playoffs.  My brother asked if they could change the channel but our waiter said that someone was watching golf.  As we looked around there was not one person watching the TV at all ...

So we decided to take matters into our own hands!  After downloading and installing a program into my phone called Psiloc irRemote I was in control.  After a short setup I was able to control that TV as if it were my own.  With the excitement of this new power my brother and dad were telling me to change the channel in their "regular" voices ... well talking in our regular voices about changing the channels isn't exactly spy stuff.  We had to keep this low key and keep it under wraps so we wouldn't get kicked out ... or worse ... me thrown in jail for FCC violations (maybe)!

At first I was nervous, but as I was able to control the environment I was able to grow comfortable in my role and finally got it to the playoff game we wanted.  

Well that golf match wasn't much of a head turner, but when I changed it to the playoffs, there were a lot more people watching the game, tsk tsk waiter for being so greedy with the TV for your own viewing pleasure and not the customers!

When you hold the remote control ... you have the power, unlimited power!

+ mon


Man Funk That!

There was a song in the 90's where this guy just went through a list of things that annoyed him ... so here's my list ...

Why is it that everytime I go to the movies, I end up sitting behind someone with the biggest head and behind the only person in theater that doesn't slouch down in their seats!

Why is it that when you're driving 85mph in the fast lane on the highway, there's always one car that merges from the next lane over and goes 60mph in the fast lane right in front of you!

Why is it that when the weather is so nice outside and everyone is out in the sun, you're the only one who can't enjoy it because of your allergies! 

Why is it that you have a coworker who sends you an email and they minute they click on send they call you and ask you if you received their email!?

Alright those are the four things I can think of right now and I know I'm going to have more so there will be a part two to this coming up ... soon.

+ mon


The Big 3-0!

My birthday was last Wednesday and it was the 30th ... damn just typing that out makes me feel old!  Some people were telling me that I should make it a big party or celebration since it's a big milestone, another word that makes me feel old ... "milestone."

I was going to try to plan a party in this place I found in the city but that didn't end up happening since the place never called me back and it would have been a good amount of money to put down anyways.  There was really no plans for that night, the only thing I knew was that my dad was cutting up the stuff for the lumpia that he was going to cook for me that night.

It just so happened that Wednesday was also my volleyball game night that I could not miss since we were already short a few people.  Here at work, I tried to keep it under wraps as much as I could because I didn't want them throwing me a surprise party at work, that's what we usually do when it's someone's birthday.  The plan was for me to go straight home after volleyball to have dinner with the fam, well we can plan as much as we want but that doesn't mean it's always going to go as planned.  Right after the game the team decided to go to a local bar and get me some shots for my birthday, and that they did.  After four shots, I had to call it quits and head on home, but I couldn't take the subway in my state so I decided to call for a car.  Arvin was with me and for some reason I had a weird feeling that something was up and planned.  When we were in the bar Arvin came from outside saying that we had to go because my dad just called him looking for me.  That was strange to me since I had signal but no phone calls ... but the liquor was working it's magic so I quickly forgot.

On the ride home I was joking with Arvin that I hope there isn't a surprise birthday party for me ... and he didn't respond.  I said it again and he ignored me ... my spidey senses were going off again.  Finally got to the house after traffic and as I was walking down the stairs to the front door, I saw people peeking in the window and thought that was strange but didn't really think much of it.  Diday has to open the door since I had my keys in my jacket and my jacket was all the way in my bag.  

In the traditional Simon routine I would start taking my shirt off right before I came through the door because it was hot, good thing this wasn't one of those times that I did that!  As I walk in through the door I saw a whole bunch of family and friends in my house, I don't even remember heading "surprise!" because I was in shock from everyone there.  

I think this was actually the first surprise party that I've had thrown for me!  I joked with Arvin in the car ride that I hope there isn't a surprise party because with my luck I'll have a heart attack from all the excitement!  There everyone was eating and drinking ... some of the food was already gone because I had gotten there two hours late!!!

Here I was in my volleyball clothes, smelling of sweat and liquor with everyone around me.  As I got my gifts, I started to wonder something ... why were all of my gifts food!?  I'm not complaining by any means, but is that what I'm known for, food? lol

The first gift was the "monwich!" which was insane!  To this day I'm still not even sure what was in it, but this is what I think was inside that monster of a sandwich.  There was McDonalds hamburger patties, clam strips and chicken rings from White Castle, Spam, cheese and I garlic mayo!  It was heavy when I held the entire sandwich in my hand, but oh so good when I got a bite of it!  The combination of foods doesn't sound appetizing to some, but it's good stuff.  Ody then handed me his gift ... the beast!  Damn people are trying to make me have a heart attack, but I'm not complaining!  I couldn't touch the beast that night, I had to wait until Thursday night to eat some of that beast.  There is still some of the monwich left, but that will be gone pretty soon.  Loan got me an M&M cake that I wasn't able to eat, but I did get a taste of that famous dip that she made!  Just a taste!  Apparently in my two hour tardiness, the surprisers consumed most if not all of the dip and also the chips!  I used the monwich to clean up the bowl with the remaining dip ... that was a good combination too!

Part of the family culture that we have liquor.  I've always tried to stay away from it and well when I do have some, you know that I don't drink much!  Here we were blowing out the candles and I was given a shot of some Southern Comfort.  Then another ... then another.  good thing there wasn't that much left or else I'm afraid the shots would have just kept on coming!  After a few minutes needless to say I was using the walls and other people for support.  There were instances of yacking but luckily I was able to keep everything down, it would have been a waste of all the wonderfull food I just ate!  

I'm not sure what I started saying but I hope it wasn't too revealing and it seems that when I drink and it starts to take it's effect, I end up on the floor for one reason or another.  Wednesday night was no exception.  

It was an awesome brithday party and thank you to all the people who came and put it together!!!  

I remember finding a nice spot on the carpet where I just stayed for a little bit until everyone ended up going home for the night.  But I still had people coming over!  G and his cousin were still on the way and we ended up going to Hooters for a little bit.  Chicken wings and sangria ... the combination of champions!

So here I am, the dirty thirty.  Just that word really makes me feel older ... I prefer this to be my one year anniversary of being 29.  

The next day was work and I still have no idea how I made it into work ... with the famous words of many individuals who have ended up on the bad side of a drunken night ... I'm never drinking again.  

+ mon


Introduction to the Family

Bringing someone into the Raymundo family isn't really that hard, I find it that we're very welcoming to "newcomers."  But sometimes it's hard for those coming in to fit in and get along or just get used to the our family.

Shadow has been in my family for a while now and he's what we like to call anti social.  He doesn't like other dogs, he doesn't like other people except for the people in my house, and sometimes that's even hit or miss.  

His mom, Becky was the total opposite.  She loved other people and was very friendly with them.  Other dogs, she would try to get to know, until Shadow would try to attack them.  That's how it worked when Becky was still here.

The other week we had a birthday party for Rosly and Rini.  It was a "dog party" where everyone brought their dogs.  This wasn't any ordinary dog party, it was more of a Raymundo/Malonzo family party including our dogs!  

Shadow has this thing when I'm about to leave the house, he will stay on the bed and get sad knowing that I won't be home.  I decided to surprise him and not tell him that he was going with us until the very last minute.  There he was on the bed with his eyes staring at me as if he was saying "you're leaving again me home alone again :(" but when I grab his leash he knows that he's going with me!  His eyes grew bigger and he ran for me to leash him up and take him outside.  When we get outside he sees the car door open and waits for me to carry him, being vertically challenged he needs some help now and then.

The whole ride you could hear him as he was excited to figure out where we were going.  As soon as we got to the park there was already a big black dog waiting to welcome him, not part of our family though.  Shadow in his typical response to other dogs went into attack mode.  He's done this a few times before when I was walking him around the block, one time in particular was against another chihuahua.  It was a female and I thought that Shadow might like her, and also a good way for me to meet the owner!  Shadow barely made his rounds of smelling her when he got into the attack position while growling at her.  This was the same reaction to the black dog in front of the park.

When we made it to where we setup everyone was already welcoming to Shadow!  They all knew his name and was surprised that he made it out of the house, it was the first time they had seem him leave my front door, or maybe even the first time they have seen him leave my room.  I guess he's like me, he likes to stay home a lot.  So there he was in the middle of the family and not knowing if he should be friendly or if he should be angry at everyone.  Not only that but he was introduced to the K-9 part of the family too!  Rini was there in her dress and a few others that started to come in one by one.  

I was scared thinking that he would go on the attack again, but he didn't.  The only time he would growl was when [Chick] Magnet would try to smell his butt.  Max was another dog there that really seemed interested in Shadow's butt, but he was not having that.  The whole day he stayed by me and there were a few times where he wandered away, even letting Cindy take him for a short run!  

His transition to the family was a little awkard at first, since all he did was sit in the corner and be by himself.  But we'll see how it goes from here, it's good to have him meet the other family members and maybe I'll take him to more family functions.

Until the next outing, Shadow waits in the bed.


+ mon


Not so 3D Vision

I'm not sure happened last night, but I think I fell asleep face down on the pillow leaning on my left eye.  I woke up this morning feeling weird and my vision was a little off.  As I got the muta out of my eyes and washed up, I still noticed that blur coming from my left eye.

Hopefully this is nothing more than just me falling asleep on that eye and it will go away as the day goes on or after another night of sleep.  But right now it is blurry and feels strange.  Not pink eye, or else I wouldn't be here at work.

The only way I can describe it is like watching a 3D movie ... without the glasses.  Geese, I'm falling apart here!

+ mon


It's Been a While

About eight days since my last entry and it's because there has been a lot going on so here I am now ... posting about the happenings.

Over a week since my last entry and it's mostly because I've been trying to help one of my best friends go through something that I went through more than two years ago.  

As I was home I got a call from G asking if I could make my way over to NJ to help them out a bit.  Just some history, his father had undergone a triple bypass and was in rehab for almost two weeks.  There in rehab he was doing fine, we even went there to visit him and my dad and his dad were comparing scars from their bypass.  I felt left out when they were doing this, so naturally I walked to the foot of the bed and lifted my shirt up as well just to join in the comparison.  

It was extremely sudden when we heard the news that his dad had gone into a coma and there was no explanation as to the real reason why, I still don't think that there is one.  

When G called me Tuesday of last week, he told me that the doctors are only giving his dad about one or two days left.  Thinking back to my mom, the doctors had told us that she had about three to six months left and I think they always over estimate for the best case scenario.  When we got to the hospital in Jersey, I ended up taking Diday with me, just so I didn't go solo, we saw the family and everyone was understandably shaken up.  They were just going to spend time with him by his bedside until that time came.  

Visiting Tito Louie there and seeing him in the bed, it gave me flashbacks of my mom and I just tried to be "strong" for G and his family.  It's different for me now, I have a different view of death ever since my mom's passing, but regardless of my views, losing a loved one hurts tremendously.  

Seeing the family going through the various emotions that come with it, and trying your best to comfort them is always difficult, there are never words that are enough to help.  Tito Louie passed away later that night at around 12:25am.  The typical words of "condolence" or "I'm sorry" filled my head and that's what I wanted to say, but if I did it would just be because it was the normal thing to do.  I can never find the words when it comes to a friend of mine losing someone ... even that phrase "losing someone" speaks volumes of how we as a society view death.  It's not really losing a person when they die, it's a long vacation until everyone is reunited again ... yes I do believe that there is a heaven and hopefully we can all get there.  

There was nothing I could say, and all I could do was be there for them.  

When the wake came around, I went to give my respect and support, and remembered that the priest told us that the funeral and everything else is for the family and friends and not really for the one who passed away.  It was a time where everyone should be there and pray for the family now.  

One thing about wakes and funerals that I've noticed is that it's a big reunion, that always seems to be the case.  People who you haven't seen for years will show up and it will be like old times, even for those few moments.  

The sadness of having someone pass away is definitely there, but when I pass I think I want things to be different.  Instead of all the sadness, I want there to be laughing and smiling all around.  This is where my view of death is now, it used to be something that just sucked.  Where it's going to happen and we have to deal with it and also deal with "losing" someone.  But now I see it as a blessing, it happens when it happens and there isn't a way to stop it.  When it's your time, it's your time.  

I see it as a transition now, from this life we have here on earth to whatever it is that comes after.  Be it heaven with the white clouds and the golden gates, or something different.  I do believe there's something after and that all the loved ones are reunited during that time.  Although we will miss those that pass before us, there's going to be a time when we see them again and it's just a temporary thing.

When I was a kid I remember Tito Louie because I used to go to G's house a lot.  There were times when I would sleep over and the morning would be great with his breakfast cooked and ready to go as soon as we woke up.  There was also that basketball hoop that he made for G in the backyard, that was something that I also loved because I would dunk on it since it was our height.  So many different memories and one memory that sticks out is when I was at G's house and we were having a practice session for DJing.  He came into the room at around 1am and asked us what we were doing and took an interest in it ... his one remark that will play in my head forever is "where's your um-flee?" meaning to ask us where our amplifier was.  There he stood in the doorway in nothing more than his briefs.  The reason this is one of the moments that I won't forget is because this is how my dad is with me, very comfortable.  

With the passing of my mom, it opened my eyes to the importance of my parents more.  I guess that's one of the reasons why I push my friends and the youth I work with to be with their parents more because they don't know when the time is going to be up.  Ever since my mom, I've taken as much time possible to spend with my dad.  Just being at home and us watching the dumbest of movies, or watching a basketball game together means the world to me.  The first night after the wake we went home and it was just him and I again.  That night was the boxing match and there were a few places closeby to watch it, but he was tired and didn't want to go.  So we ended up ordering the fight to watch, just the two of us and it was nice to bond in that way.  My dad and I with my sister on the phone, screaming our heads off and enjoying the fight and moreso each other's company.  For me it's time well spent, instead of me going out and hanging out, I know that my time with my dad is limited especially since he goes back to Philippines often, so whatever time I do get with him is important to me.  

I know G had a lot of great memories with Tito Louie, and I do hope that I can continue to create more with my dad.  Tito Louie treated me like a son everytime I was around, and I will miss him dearly, from his cooking, to his carpentry, to his hats, and Christmas creations the list of the things missed will go on.  May he rest in peace and may his family find comfort as well.

+ mon



Rocket Cars!

So who knows how a car works?  The real way a car works with the pistons, and the tiny explosions causing the pistons to move up and down and whatever else needs to happen to make that car move.  

I don't know how a car works, all I know is that you stick the key in, make sure you have gas and fluirs are good, then you're good to go.

As a kid my knowledge was limited to so much less, but the imagination had no limits whatsoever.

There were so many times when I would sit in the passenger seat and see the cars in front of us, then I would wonder how the cars work.  The solution was simple and easy ... the way cars would work was because of the "rockets" at the back of them.  You know the rockets I'm talking about right?  The exhaust where all the crap comes out of.  

For me these were the rocket blasters that would spit out all the push the car needed to make it go.  I pictured it like a rocket ship but without the fire and smoke (well some cars had smoke coming out of them so that was different), the cars would be propelled by the rocket blast.  

Some cars had two of them, so that would make them go faster!  The trucks had them on the top and the holes were bigger, so I figured that it was needed to push them since they were bigger.  Planes had the giant ones and well I actually had that part right about the planes since they are sort of rockets strapped to the wings!

My whole world came crashing down once I was taught that the rocket blaster holes were actually where all the garbage would come out from.

+ mon



It usually happens when the weather starts to change from fall to winter and the temperature drops.  We go outside and are a little bundled up but not as though we're expecting an impending blizzard.  It's just that frostiness that is felt in the air around October here ... there's this change that I didn't notice when I was little but it's obvious when you start to grow up and learn more.  

Around this time is when we start to see our breath in front of our face everytime we breath out or talk to someone outside.  I used to see this all the time, especially when waiting for the bus at the bus stop.  All the kids and their parents would be there and you see that white fog coming from their mouths and noses.  Some kids, when it was really cold outside, would have that white fog coming off of their bodies.

Me not knowing the scientific part of it and how it all works thought it was something more simple than the hot air hitting the cold outside air.  I always thought people had the white fog coming from their face because they had bad breath.  I really believed it and whenever I would see myself with this white fog, I would try to find gum, candy or whatever it was to just help my bad breath go away.  There was always something magical about getting inside of the school because the white fog would disappear and my breath would be "fresh" again.  I would check multiple times cupping my hands in front of my mouth and nose to see if my breath infact did stink.  

+ mon


Some Vinegar a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

The allergy season is upon us, the itchy eyes, the running noses and endless tissue boxes being used are definitely a sign that it is here again!  It's a horrible thing when the weather is so nice and great, but you have something that's hampering your ability to enjoy it.

Season after season I would suffer from this and always had to turn to chemicals to fight this.  It started with me trying to do it with nothing, but that didn't turn out well as I was sneaking everywhere and had no tissue to clean up with.  Those times called for desperate measures, so I had to sneeze in my hand and then slowly slide my hand into pocket using it as a napkin of sorts.  I had no choice but to turn to drugs, I feel as if I had blown so many interviews and important meetings just because of this ... this ... this disability of having allergies.  Yes it is a disability!  We, allergy sufferers, are disabled from living normal lives in the wonderful springtime weather because of the horniness of the plants trying to pollenate each other. 

The first drug of choice was Claritin.  There was an instant effect and it was great, just one pill and I was alright.  The following year the single pill no longer worked for me but now I had to take two, sometimes three pills just to keep me in line.  This cycle continued until I had to take five pills during a season and there was no more effect.  I moved onto their nemisis brand, the name escapes me, but there was no luck with that either.  I even tried the version they make that melts in your mouth ... that did nothing as well.

I searched for answers and my cousin Ria had told me that she gets the shot from her doctor.  Again ... I turned to my drug dealer for the quick fix.  It was a simple injection with a price of street price of $10 for those that had copay.  This was a wondeful drug as it relieved my symptoms instantly and kept it away for the rest of the season.  But as with any addict we need more ... the follow season called for two shots which didn't treat me as well as the season prior.  There was an effect from the drugs, but it seemed as if my dealer was now watering down his product and it wasn't 100% pure. 

The dealers are very expendable, we have to find other means and when we do we stick to it.  The internet was my friend and I found out that something called Apple Cider Vinegar would do the trick.  The remedy called for two tablespoons of the ACV to be put into a glass of water and drink it twice a day.  Or you could just go straight up and down the two tablespoons.  There was something about the ACV that would make you immune to the allergies and usually through two or three seasons of taking it your allergies would disappear completely!  Sounds good huh!?  But it's not easy ... as I found out that ACV was horrible ... it's not like normal vinegas where you can dip your chicaron or your egg rolls into, but it was just horrible!  The mixture with the water didn't help, I even tried to mix it with some Peach Schnapps but that didn't work either.  This whole idea of the ACV was off the table now and I had a bottle of this stuff just sitting there.

During one of the seasons where I didn't take anything at all, I was at work and just wanted a snack.  I went for the Salt and Vinegar chips ... just because I like them.  I remember reading that the ACV has some effects on other ailments, and I think it's definitely true.  While eating the salt and vinegar chips I noticed that my allergies went away, but thought it was a fluke and there was just a low pollen count that day.  The next day I had another bag with the same results, hmmm was I onto something here?  Another day passes with the bag of chips and no allergies!  Fourth day comes and I ditch the chips ... the allergies come back!  Whoa!?  I found my cure!  My drug dealer was no more ... and I had turned to a new medication. 

So all it takes is a simple bag of salt and vinegar chips ... not the big one, but the small one works.  If you want better or best results get the sea salt and vingegar chips.  I guess the combination of the miracles of sea salt and miracles of vinegar working together combine for one insane home remedy. 

It's important to note that eating the salt and vinegar chips leaves this weird feeling on your teeth, I'm not sure what it is, but I'm theorised that it's melting away your teeth like acid. 

+ mon



It's been crazy to say the least since I got back from Cali with a lot of different things going on, but I have a lot of "stories" and things to share ... and of course food reviews too!  I'll post as much as I can to those faithful readers out there :)

+ mon


Crack Chicken

I haven't written this review even though I've wanted to because I wanted the review to be fresh, I wanted the review to be close to when I actually went to the restaurant.  So prior to this visit it's been a few months since I've been there, which isn't that long considering it's in San Diego. 

Royal Mandarin
1132 E Plaza Blvd Ste 205

The first time I went to this place was back in 1998 when I used to frequent San Diego.  It was instant love at first bite, the food there is like typical Chinese food ... for the most part.  I would write this review regarding the food that I've eaten there, but I'll only write about this one specific order since it's what makes me drive four+ hours back and forth for it.

The Salt and Pepper Chicken Wings is ridiculously insane.  It sounds like something so simple and something that just doesn't taste that great, but once you get a bite you ust can't stop. 

When I used to go there it was typical that I bought one or two orders of the chicken and left it at that.  That all changed when I found out that they had larger orders and when I started to take some chicken home, if possible. 

My trips to San Diego have come few and far between.  But when I do go there it's a must that Royal Mandarin must be visited.

The restaurant is ordinary from the outside, there are no specialty signs that make it stand out from the rest of the Chinese restaurants in the area, or anywhere.  Even when you get inside it's the typical setup for dinning in, but it's actually smaller than most places and quite intimate because of the proximity of the tables next to each other.  You can hear other people's conversations without even trying.  The menu is lined with typical Chinese food, but you'll notice that they have "Salt and Pepper" items on the menu, from chicken wings, squid, french fries and fish. 

It seems that I'm remembered when I go there now, I'm known as the "guy from New York."  The recent times that I've ordered there it's been two extra large trays of chicken, which have about 150 pieces each, and the owner/manager lady always gives me extra seasoning as she knows I'll be taking it back to NY.

When you receive the chicken you won't notice anything special on it, just chicken wings with seasoning, some red pepper flakes, scallion/green onions.  If you take a closer look you'll see something sprinkled on the wings that most Chinese food places have stopped using, MSG (betchin for the Filipino's).  Whatever the warnings and the "horrible" things about MSG, it's just good!  Maybe that's what sets Royal Mandarin apart from the rest of the Chinese food establishments because they continue to use MSG ... and they use it wonderfully!

The first bite into the chicken wings is full of crunchiness, but it's not the crunchiness that you might have experienced from other chicken.  I'm not sure if this is fried or baked, or even a combination of the two, but the crunch is wonderful, and the added bonus is that the crunch doesn't include oil dripping or oil on your fingers.  The only thing left on your fingers are the spices and seasoning that you will end up licking off sooner or later, it would be a waste to just wipe it on a napkin.

As your tongue gets it's tastes buds working with the flavors that come out of the chicken, you'll notice this explosion of taste in your mouth.  There is a little hotness to it, but just the right amount, the saltiness of it is also just perfect. After finishing and most of the time sucking on the ends of the bones clean, you'll pick up another one and repeat the process.  This will usually go on until there is no more left, and then you'll want to order some more.

This is the reason why it's dubbed "crack chicken" because once you taste it, you'll want some more and do anything to get some, even drive the four+ hours to get some.  I've introduced this chicken to some people from NY and when they know I'm going to Cali and possibly San Diego, they want me to bring them some chicken, you can see that look in their eyes that they'll do anything for it.

There have been attempts at other Chinese food places in San Diego to copy the Royal Mandarin recipe, but they have come up short.  A place across the street serves the "salt and pepper chicken wings" but it's just not the same, you need to hit the real and original source. 

WARNING: This chicken is addictive!

Do not think that you will be able to resist, perhaps it's the MSG, perhaps the taste, but once you have it, you will be hooked.  Some responses have gone from "it's ok" to "it's epic" in the matter of days.  There have been times when I packed it for check in at the airport, the agent that is checking it in gets a smell of the chicken which strikes up a conversation as to the origins and what kind of chicken it is.  She then proceeds to call her daughter in San Diego to tell her to bring her up some chicken from this place called Royal Mandarin next time she comes up to LA.  It's changed lives, it's brought together families, friends and it can change the world.

The lineup of food on their menu aside from the crack chicken isn't bad either.  While we were there eating in the restaurant, as the 150 piece tray lay in the middle with all other customers watching us eat, we ordered other menu items that added to the taste of the chicken and their fried rice.  We had about nine people there eating and the manager gave us a sample of the Salt and Pepper Fish which was amazing!  The only reason I can't order this is because it will not survive the trip back to LA then back to NY, fish is fish,  but maybe their salt and seasoning mix might preserve it???  Hmmm maybe we can test it out.  We ordered a good amount of food, from crispy beef, upside down crispy noodles, fried rice, and some other dish that escapes my memory, but food that was good enough to fill up the stomachs of nine hungry youth (including my dad) and have left overs only cost us $33 ... insane prices and great food.

I will definitely be back here soon, and this is the type of food where I will take a trip to San Diego just for this chicken.  I've tried to find a partner who is willing to export the chicken for me, us at a profit to them, but I haven't had any serious parties.  So if anyone in SD is reading this and would like to make some extra money just by boxing up and shipping the chicken, let me know ASAP.

Taste : 10+
Price : $ out of $$$
Restaurant : 9 (small and homey, they remember you once you're a regular)

+ mon


Tutti Frutti Fresh and Frutti!

In the quest for the famous and overlyhyped (only my humble opinion of course) In and Out, we stumbled upon a treasure.  As we found the In and Out, there was something we didn't think of and there was something we were all unaware of until we got to the door, but it was to my surprise and happiness when we did find out.

The surprise was that In and Out was closed on Easter Sunday!  Best news I heard that day!  But we were still hungry and wanted to eat before we made out way to Speedzone which was only five minutes away.  It was a shopping plaza but there were a lot of "closed" signs on the door, there was a place that was open though, it was called Tutti Frutti.  A yogurt place and I'm not a big fan of yogurt but this place had some appeal to it that just made me want to go in and check it out.

Tutti Frutti
17861 Colima Rd, Rowland Heights, CA 91748
626-964-9696 www.tfyogurt.com

The moment you enter through the front door you'll be amazed, well at least I was.  I stood there making small circles as I was trying to take in all of the surroundings.

You're greeted by glass, and there are small openings in the glass to get to the tables and chairs, but as I was trying to get to the table you can't help but think that you're about to hit the glass walls.

Then you see the "buffet" of toppings that you can put on your yogurt then a simple sign saying that it's $0.35 an ounce.  Pretty cheap huh!?  Well at first you're thinking that there ar extras or that it's going to come out to about $10 for this place.  You'll be surprised when you get to the register and they do ring you up ...

The selection in Tutti Frutti is quite large, the flavors of the yogurt weren't just the simple flavors.  They had some "exotic" flavors too such as lychee, green tea, taro to name just a few.  I've always been a fan of combining things and here you could do that as well, my combinations at bubble tea places have always been taro and cookies and cream if that was available.  I do however get weird looks when I request it as the combo doesn't sound that appealing, but it definitely is good!

So here I am in the warehouse of yogurt with toppings galore when I see the flavors that I love oh so much!

After sampling the yogurt flavors and finally deciding on comboing the cookies and cream with the taro, I made my way to the buffet of toppings that you have at your disposal.  My guess was that this is where where it gets pricey since it's easy to pile on the toppings.

From fresh fruit to the "bad stuff" for you, they have a lot of toppings, as well as syrups and even condensed milk!

For my little health moment with yogurt, the toppings that made it's way into my cup were the brownie chunks, the cookie dough, strawberries, chocolate syrup and condensed milk.  Some of the "kids" for healthy combinations ... green tea with bananas, strawberries, rasberries, blackberries, peaches and a whole bunch of other crap. 

Mine had a good amount of toppings and was really surprised by the price only being $3.22.  That was good enough for me and I wasn't even able to finish it all. 

I would love to have a place like this on the east, I know they have other places similar but the prices are double if not more from what I've heard.  The flavors that are available are really good, and they are just so full of flavor, not bland by any means.  Another plus that I'll give Tutti Frutti is that they have free water!  The tap water with lemon ... good stuff to wash down the yogurt and gummi bears.

Taste : 9
Price : $ out of $$$
Restaurant : 9 (clean, modern and very nice)

+ mon



Hype? I Don't Get it

So there's this place in Cali that everyone raves about ... I think it goes beyong Cali but I don't keep tabs on where the franchise opens as it's not one of my favorites.  I guess you can say that it's only a favorite by association, meaning that I eat here only because the people I'm with seem to love it so dearly and it's the best thing in the world for them.

I don't understand the hype about this place, In and Out.  Yes that burger place that has the secret menu, that burger place that looks like an old fashioned fast food place from the 60's and 70's.  I don't get it???  I really don't understand why everyone seems to love this place, is it the food, the atmosphere, or both? 

It's a place that I've been eating at for a few years now and I haven't found anything special about it except the secret menu which isn't so secret anymore since the internet became popular. 

The burgers are regular, they don't even have bacon as an option!  Comeon now ... there isn't any bacon!  The one thing I do like about the burgers is that they put a whole slice of onion on them when you order the grilled onions and not the sliced up pieces, but that's about it. 

This isn't a review of the place but just a general "WTF" as in I don't understand the hype with it.  I don't understand why people think it's so good here.  I'll be honest and will compare it to the places that I've been to before, the burger places.  The one with the Quartet of Guys definitely has better food than this place.  The fries alone, cajun fries that is trumps what In and Out has to offer ten fold. 

These are the cheese fries and it was alright, nothing to write home about, that's the reason why I don't feel like writing them a review as they aren't that great to me.  They might appeal to other people and are the best thing since sliced bread, but I don't understand and I might go through life never understanding why this place is so loved.

Perhaps it's the style and the way things are presented because I do admit that I like their old fashioned look and feel.  I like watching the single person putting a potato in that chopper and pulling on the handle to make the fresh fries. 

If someone does know why these burgers are "so good" to people, please let me know ... as the only responses I got were "they are just sooo good" but never a concrete reason as to why they are just so damn good.

+ mon


Poop Magnet

For the frequent readers on here, there is a recurring topic that comes ... it's the whole "poop" thing.  Either it's me or it's my dog ... or just poop in general.

This one starts when I get home everyday and the ritual is to take Shadow outside to the pack to pee and if he can, poop.  There are some days when he does his #2 early and when I get home he's already done so all he needs to do is pee.  This was one of those days ...

As I was carying Shadow up the stairs to the back, it was just another normal thing and he did his business in the back.  I didn't notice till the next day that I had a mark on my dress shirt that I was still wearing coming home from work.

Apparently this day Shadow just finished taking his #2 and he still had a "crayon" left or just some sort of left over on his butt.  This ended up on my shirt and I didn't know until I tried to figure out where this "stain" came from.

I carry him on my left side under my arm like a bag, and well his butt wiped off whatever excess was there onto my shirt. 

So if you're wondering, I did end up wearing this shirt to work a few days later when I did realize it was poop while in the office.  Thankfully there was no smell and that it was dry and looked just like a normal stain ... but now the world knows what it really was.

+ mon


Family Pasalubong

A while back my cousin Lissa from Houston came to town and as with Filipino families she came with "pasalubong." That's usually the custom when going to visit family or friends where we bring small gifts or something from where we're from. So if I were coming from NY visiting Houston I should be bringing "I <3 NY" shirts but I'm a horrible cousin so I never do.

With her she brought something that was just so awesome! It wasn't a shirt or a key chain, it was so much better than I could have ever imagined! I'm not sure if I should be sharing this as this was a huge gift and I'm not sure if she brought anything for everyone else ... but I have to give props where props are deserved!

Last year when we went there for her wedding, right before flying back to NY I went to Jack in the Box and bought about 20-30 Sourdough Jacks, froze them and packed them up to bring back to NY. I guess this stuck out and made a lasting impression not only on her but on a lot of my family members as they remember it clearly. I even got advice that I should ask them to make it without the tomatoes so that it lasts longer. Lissa came to NY with two Sourdough Jacks, that was more than enough for me! I was't expecting anything but she brought whatever she could and was that a great gift.

I didn't eat it right away as I wanted to save it for later. Only a few days passed where I ended up opening up one of the sandwiches, leaving the other one lonely in the freezer.

When I brought them back from Houston I kept it in the original packaging and then just stuck them all in a plastic bag and froze them. I had a hard time getting her packaging open ... she had each one wrapped in a plastic bag.

After the wrapping of the outside plastic bag, there was the burger wrapped in foil.  It was as close to mummified as possible.  The feeling was that of Christmas morning when you open your gifts that are under the tree, with the gift being wrapped with extreme care.  After the foil as removed there was just one more layer to get through, it was another layer of plastic wrap.  Three or four layers later the wonderful scent of the sandwich was unleashed. 

Taking that deep breathe and then putting it in the toaster oven to heat it, I couldn't wait!  Well this isn't a food review, but an entry on the kindess of family and the thoughtfulness of the gift. It was wonderful as I remembered and it was just great to have that taste of the sandwich melt in my mouth.

Thank you Lissa!  The packaging was extremely efficient and definitely something that looked like it was going to last through the coming apocalypse.  I still have one left and when I do eat that I'll be ready to get it out of the packaging with a box cutter and a pair of pliers. 

I will gladly accept some more of your pasalubong next time you head up north.  I'll trade you some Hop Kee for some Jack in the Box.

+ mon


Food is my Enemy ... Sometimes

Eating a bag of cookies or chips, there is always that left over in the bottom of the bag.  All those wonderful crumbs full of so much taste!  We can't ever let that go to waste, so we find a way to get at them.

It's as simple as tilting the head back, angling the bag then letting the crumbs slide down into your mouth.  But what about those at the bottom of the bag that get stuck in that corner?  We shake the bag, we hit the bag, tap it, whatever we need to for that final taste.  

But be forewarned, do this tapping of the bag with ease and don't do it too hard.  As I have come to learn today with the left over cookie crumbs, you need to be gentle, or else they will attack.  With my head tilted back, it's a very vulnerable position ... tapping on that bag will sometimes make them pop out and jump!  Jump the crumbs did ... right over my glasses and into my eye.

Ever had a cookie crumb(s) in your eye?  Yeah it's not the best feeling in the world ... well this entry just serves as a warning for those crumb eaters.  The taste is great, but the consequences are sometimes almost not worth it ... almost.  

+ mon