
Waiting for Gym Class


This was an entry that I put in my old blog (which no one read lol, and I was going to post this yesterday but it slipped my mind, so here I am posting it today).

Back in high school I remember having gym class at most twice a week. The rest of the time you have the "other" classes that just fill up your schedule, like science, math, english, and all those other classes that are just there to fill your day so you don't have idle thoughts. Having that crumpled program card in my pocket and looking at it each day, even though I knew where I was supposed to be and what class it was, then seeing that day that had gym on it. That feeling was awesome, it was a countdown until you were able to go into that gym class again.

I guess going to gym class was different from going to the park and doing things with your friends like playing basketball or baseball. Being in that gym class gave you the opportunity to show off to your fellow alumni your skills, or lack thereof. All our fellow classmates would see us in is sitting at our desks buried in a book (as we fell asleep), or doing projects with them for whatever filler class we might be attending. There was hardly any time to show those other people in the classroom what kind of athlete you were, or there was never any time to show that you weren't just some nerdy kid.

Being able to gym class and show that you are somewhat coordinated and others very well coordinated was a big thing. The circle of friends expanded just because of your abilities! Even if those new "friends" you met in gym class weren't the ones you hung out with all the time, you would now get the head nod in passing in the hallways, or if you were lucky the pound or the high fives. That was what gym class was about.

But there was only that one day or if you were lucky two days you had gym. Each day would just be another countdown until you got to wear the same clothes as the other guys and match with everyone in the PE uniform.

That's how it feels for me again. I'm back at that spot where I sit here day in and day out just waiting for the next volleyball game so I can do my thang and show my coworkers that I'm more than just a suit and tie. It's fun that way, and I like it more because you have a sense of teamwork and accomplishment, even if your team lost all three games. I would rather do that then going out for "drinks" after work.

Well here I sit, one day a week of volleyball is not enough for me. I'm going to check out a new league tonight, and possible another league. So there's a potential to be in three volleyball leagues, so that means three days of gym class ... wish I had done this when I was younger and maybe I would have been in the Olympics or something. But it's funny how you can do this stuff when you're older since you have the cash and nothing else to do.

So now I look at my program card and wait in anticipation for gym class tonight that is in 2 hours and 30 minutes. Then maybe gym class on Sunday as well ... I'm starting to like this program that I got.

Game on!



911 for McNuggets!


Freakin awesome!

+ mon


Breaking Even

I've always considered myself someone who breaks even.  I find it very difficult to save, and the reasons always vary.  Sometimes it's because I went shopping too much, but usually it's because something happens within my life that money needs to be funneled in that direction.

This happens all the time with me, like when I work a lot of overtime and think I'm going to be able to save that money ... I don't.  The reason was because my dog needed an operation and I had to use that cash to pay for it. 

So today was another reminder of that same principle, that I always break even.  Well it's actually worse than that, it's I always break even or I end up in the red.  Pretty much getting the short end of the stick most of the time when it comes to finances.

With the last check I got, I thought I would be able to save a good amount of money, but that just wasn't the case.  I sponsored some youth for HW and that was fine, I charged most of it on my credit cards that I had previously paid off the week before.  I checked my account today and thought that a check cleared, but apparently it didn't go through yet, and the money that came out was from another charge that I wasn't aware of! 

So the story goes that I lowered my text messages on the phone to 400 a month for $5 instead of the unlimited text messaging for $20 a month because, well I figured that I wasn't that popular and people don't try to text me anymore. 

Damn did I get screwed!  For the month of Jan to Feb, the additional costs for text messages were up to $140!  Now I saw this months extra charges and it's up at $110 just for the text messages. 

That's what happens when I try to save a few bucks here and there, I get pinched someway.  In trying to lower my bill down $15 a month ... I ended up getting jacked for about $125 average monthly (so far)!  Hmmm maybe I should call and have them switch me over to the $20 plan again and see if they can remove some of those charges?

Wow, this is just craziness.  I'm going to call them now and hopefully they can help me with this since this is outrageous!

+ mon


Netflix ... too Expensive!

The only reason I say that is because I make it expensive.  How does that work you ask? 

Well I'm on the 3 dvd at a time plan, I think it's something like $20 or $21 a month.  Not too bad huh?  Well it gets pricey when you don't return the dvd's for 2 or 3 months at a time!  So I'm really paying about $20 a dvd to rent, if I keep the 3 dvds for 3 months at at ime!

Geeze, I could just buy the dvd already.  To make things worse, I have been renting at the local Blockbuster instead of me returning the Netflix movies to get new ones.  This is one of the bad habits that I have to break.

I'm not sure what it is that makes it so hard to just drop the dvds in the mailbox.  I could even just bring it into the office and drop it off at the mailroom, but the thing is, the last time I did that Netflix never received any of the dvds ... so you can figure that one out for yourself!

I need to return these movies and save some money!

+ mon


WTF to my Ears?!

So I just got back from my morning duece here in the office ... in the stall next to me comes in someone who is doing the same as I.

This isn't a problem and is usually fine, until today.  I'm used to hearing all sorts of "regular" sounds that come along with the call from nature, but today had me in disbelief.

As I concentrate on the task at hand, my neighbor positions himself ... and what do I hear?  A big splash!  At first, I thought I was hearing something and let it go, then again a big splash!  Then another big splash!  It was one right after the other.

It's as if someone was throwing rocks into the toilet from about 20 feet away!  Either that, or this person was standing on the seat and dropping his load from about 6 or 7 feet above the seat.

Seriously, it was that loud!  Splash after splash ...

+ mon


Music to my Ears

As I was walking to the subway this morning, a car was backing up into it's parking spot.  In doing so, they had to go over a small mound of snow that had been pilled up from the days before.

I stopped walking as I heard the snow being crushed under the weight and pressure of the car and tires.  There's something about this sound that I love.  I stayed there until the car was done parking and the sound was gone, but this is something that I really like listening to.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why I snowboard, because I hear this sound all the time when I ride.  When I'm there strapping in, or about to go on a run, I heard that snow getting compacted and crushed under the board or my boots.

Ahhh that sound ... too bad I hadn't heard it this season since I didn't have a chance to ride and the only time I did hear it was a car parking along the street.

+ mon


Do you Smell it?

Spring is in the air!  As much as I love the winter ... I love spring too!  Well I actually like all of the seasons because of the different things each one of them brings.

I guess I see spring coming in the next week or two from seeing how it's been in the past few years.  Usually we'll get a snowstorm right before spring comes.  That last (or first) snowstorm will come and drop a ton of snow on the ground, getting icey and cold.  Then in about a week you start to see that all start to melt away, the temperature starts to go up and then the buds start on the trees.

Hmmm two weeks at most is what I'm giving it.  But I think the spring like weather will be coming around this weekend, if not early next week.

+ mon


Age Ain't Nothing but a Number

As I was writing the last entry, it got me thinking about this topic and I wanted to start writing about it now instead of waiting till later.  We all know how that works right ... we read or do something then we tell ourselves, or make a mental note to "reply later" or something similar.  Then a few hours go by, a day, a week and then months and we're still telling ourselves that we will do it later ... so I'm doing it now.

Here I am a 29 year old, who's working and volunteering with this church/youth group.  A lot of the "kids" are just getting into college, so they are 18-20 years old.  It's usually a weekly basis that I see these kids and usually we hang out a lot.  Go to the movies, get some Korean BBQ, play some Rockband2, watch movies at my house or whatever it is ...

Sometimes I wonder to myself when I am with them is if they feel that I'm one of their friends, or if I'm just a chaperone.  Someone who is the driver and isn't really part of the "group."  I can't help but wonder that sometimes just because of the age gap, but I already know that I am part of them and the age isn't an issue. Well at least I hope I'm right about that.

I mean how many people do you know hang out, like really hang out on a regular basis with people who are 10 years younger.  Well you know at least one, and that's me.  It's funny how I can relate and how I can sort of see them at the same age level ... that's one thing I really like about myself, is that I don't ever want to fully grow up! 

I want that childlike feeling of being open to do anything and everything, of being innocent and not being afraid of getting hurt, and seeing what the immediate world around you has to offer.  I like the kid in me that never is afraid to come out.

So as the hang outs continue and we all grow older, I'll probably start to wonder if they don't mind hanging out with a 40 year old when they are all 30.  But then again, it doesn't matter to me because I'll always be a child at heart. 

+ mon


Feel the Heat

It's been a while since I've been excited ... about Holy Week.  Well it's obvious because the last time I went was last year, but it's different this year.  I guess in the past few months I've felt spiritually empty and dry, no one to blame but myself.  Well this time around I feel it again, I feel that burning inside.

I'm not sure what it is, or if it's even just one single thing.  Most likely it's a combination of a few things, one being that I went to confession on Friday and I'm still doing good since then - usually I'll fall within a few hours of confession, or even less!  Another factor could be that there are a good amount of youth that are going to California for Holy Week this year!

So far there are 7 or 8 of us that are going, and about 7 of us on the same flight going there!  It's going to be a party plane on that Virgin America flight :)

My only hope is that my spiritual prep continues to do as well as it's been for the past few days.  There's still a long way to go ... it's just the start, but feeling that fire within is definitely a good way to start.

Another big factor that I think is helping this fire go is seeing the kids.  See when I say kids, I'm referring to the 18, 19 and 20 year olds that I hang out with all the time.  Seeing Emil getting hyped about the past meeting and the upcoming events including HW is exciting!  Also knowing that the kids are doing what they can to try and make it even though there is a good amount of money involved in flying over there ... it's inspiring.  Hearing them say simple things like "I'm going no matter what" and even if they have to miss school (like they are going to actually miss being in class!).

As someone once told me ... do I really want to throw gas on that flame?  The answer is obvious.

+ mon


Working for the Weekend

This has been on my mind for a while now, and well it's not that I'm ungrateful for having a job in these "hard economic times" but it's just the anatomy of the job and what it entails and takes you away from.

We'll take the typical office job into consideration, say from 9am till 5pm. 

So here we are at 7am in the morning waking up and getting ready for work, because we also have to factor in the travel time so that we can make it into work ontimat 9am.  The day ticks away and we're here pounding on the keys of this board, going to meetings, meeting clients, reading emails, etc etc.  As the clock ticks, 5pm finally comes around and we're ready to get outta here and head on home.  Given that this is the rush hour and everyone rushes to get home, we get to our front door at about 6:30pm.  Now just because we're at home means that work is behind us, we have to get out of that work mentality and change and get comfortable for our life at home.

7pm is when we're in our house clothes and finally comfortable.  Now it's time to cook, watch tv, spend time with the family.  The clock hits 10pm or 11pm ... uh oh it's time to go to sleep now because we have to wake up at 7am to start the work cycle again.

Now taking a look at that, we spend about 12 hours a day either getting ready for or from work, being at work and traveling to and from work.  That's 12 hours, 7am to 7pm.  Then we have 3 or 4 hours to "relax," watch tv, spend time with the family, or whatever we have in mind before we have to hit the sack to get enough rest for us to make it through the next day.

What is that?  We only have a quarter of the time to spend at home during the week to be with our families, to relax and get away from work???  That's ridiculous, seriously it is. 

My boss always talks to us about quality of life is what's important, and what kind of quality of life is that when you come home at 7pm and spend the smallest amount of time with your kids and family.  I've always said that it's so much better to be working at a job that doesn't pay a lot, but does give you the time to be with your family and friends. 

The ideal job is to work on the beach and sell drinks.  The money probably isn't that great, but you're relaxed and you have time to be with the ones you love. 

Whomever invented the "work week" is an idiot!  Yes I said it!  Why couldn't they come up wtih a more balanced approach, 4 days of work and a 3 day weekend, or vica versa. 

Gotta love working for the weekend, us being behaved little robots for those 5 days gives us the reward of having 2 days to ourselves, awwww isn't that great!  This doesn't even take into account overtime, and those who are tied to their jobs with their ever so wonderful Blackberry's. 

Ahh well, back to work for me, another 9 minutes of regular time and probably some more overtime here.



Square Root Day

Today is a square root day (heard it on Z100).


+ mon 



This past "winter" has been a bit of a let down.  There hasn't been much snow, if any at all.  The temperature has been going up and down, and sometimes it feels like spring is already here - that's how it felt at the end of last week.

Until yesterday ... we were blessed with a big amount of snow!  I guess you can tell that I do love the snow.  We've had about only one major snowstorm each year for the past few years, and it's disappointing :( I remember those days when we would have at least two or three snowstorms during the year!

These would be the times when I would be out shoveling and seeing the kids having a snowball fight, and there's just something in me that can't say no to that.  So they'll all of a sudden see a random snowball come from where I was shoveling.

I guess part of it is that it takes me back to the days when I was younger ... oh wow, when you say something like that you know that you're getting old!  But I miss those days when there was a snowday and schools were closed, well sometimes they weren't even closed, but the streets and roads were covered in just enough snow that I was able to convince my parents that it was better that I stay home that day.  During these snowdays, with nothing ever planned it would always come to a point where my cousins and I would all go outside around the same time ... after some shoveling had been done by the neighbors and there were little mountains of snow on random spots.  We would then hide behind these mounds, and the war on 90th street began!

This was never a timed war ... sometimes hours, sometimes a few minutes.  It would depend on if there was an injury on the field of battle.  The quick battles would be the result of someone getting hit in the eye or in the ear with a nicely packed snowball.  That would stop things and depend on if that person was able to recover after using the blowdrying to warm up.

Ahhh those were the days.  The days when the snow was more than a blessing, but a blessing we could play in.  Those were the days when we could play in the snow even though we couldn't feel our fingers anymore.

So with this crazy weather of being in the 50's, then a snowstorm and being in the teens, I can only hope for more snow and maybe have another battle.



Youth Infomercial

Here is something that we have been working on as a presentation for Ultreya.  Gotta love their acting skills!

+ mon


First of Many

With a title like that, I'd hope that I can follow through with it and have entries daily ... we'll see where this takes us.

I've always been the type of person to create things on my own, and stay away from the "communities" that are already existant online, but this time around I figured that I wouldn't fight it anymore and just jump right in.  For a few years I've had my own blog on my own site, but the thing with that is the feedback from people is limited to those who know of your blog.  It seems that I was quite popular with a lot of people selling those little blue pills, or trying to get me to enlarge certain body parts, but I do hope that I get feedback in this community and this can serve as a jumping off point in my public interweb life.

That's it for this entry, and well I do want to try vlogging, so we'll see if that happens.

+ mon

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